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Hall rentals are still on hold until further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience. When we are ready to starting renting again, we will advertise. Thank you.
To serve and protect our surrounding communities by using the latest tools and technology and continue pursuing education - side by side.
Greenfield Needs You!
Greenfield Township Volunteer Fire Company is a 501(c)3 organization.
Pennsylvania Move Over Law: PA Vehicle Code Law 3327: Duty of driver in emergency response areas. If passing in a non-adjacent lane is impossible, illegal or unsafe, pass the emergency response area at a careful and prudent reduced speed reasonable for safely passing the emergency response area.
It could be yellow, blue or red lights; slow down and move over. We try to give drivers an early warning on what is ahead, but there are times when we can’t warn drivers. We might be working an area where emergency personnel are in the roadway. When vehicles speed past us at 70+ mph, personnel working in an emergency area will not have time to move out of the way or respond quickly in order to avoid a dangerous situation. Please slow down and move over. We all want to get home to our families just like you do.
— Your first responder thanks you!
424 Route 106
Greenfield Township, PA 18407
(570) 282-4981
For General Questions & Information, email: greenfieldtwpfireco@gmail.com Visit us on Facebook.